• Installing the Cyan CMYK image viewer on a Mac

    As a long-time Photoshop user, I was spoiled by being able to convert and save files in the CMYK format that is essential for obtaining accurate colors for printing. While very powerful, the stable 2.10 release of the GIMP image editing program does not have native support for CMYK (this is a much-requested feature that…

  • Text-to-Speech wasn’t eliminated in Sierra—it was moved

    I know that Mac OS X 10.12 (aka Sierra) was been out for a while, but I’m still getting used to some of the subtle changes. With Siri’s voice recognition technology now included as a standard feature, it seemed odd that the list of synthesized voices that could be installed and played back in earlier…

  • Disk Utility is less useful using Sierra 10.12 – part 2

    When I am evaluating whether to upgrade my Mac’s operating system, I naturally assume that any new release will have more features and improved functionality. If you are a Mac user running a discontinued yet perfectly usable OS like Mountain Lion 10.8 and have come to rely upon Disk Utility in your arsenal of everyday…